The Oz Report, a near-daily, world wide hang gliding news ezine, with reports on competitions, pilot rankings, political issues, fly-ins, the latest technology, ultralight sailplanes, reader feedback and anything else from within the global HG community worthy of coverage. Hang gliding, paragliding, hang gliders, paragliders, aerotowing, hang glide, paraglide, platform towing, competitions, fly-ins. Hang gliding and paragliding news from around the world, by Davis Straub.

 Oz Report

Pilot Rankings

CIVL's Latest World Pilot Rankings

Current USHPA NTSS ranking

2007 USHGA flex wing pilot ranking
Outdated NTSS flex wing glider pilot ranking for the 2007 US National team.

2007 USHGA rigid wing pilot ranking
Outdated NTSS rigid wing glider pilot ranking for the 2007 US National team.

2006 USHGA flex wing pilot ranking
The NTSS flex wing glider pilot ranking for the 2006 US National team.

2006 USHGA rigid wing pilot ranking
The NTSS rigid wing glider pilot ranking for the 2006 US National team.

2005 USHGA flex wing pilot ranking
The NTSS flex wing glider pilot ranking for the 2005 US National team

2005 USHGA rigid wing pilot ranking
The NTSS rigid wing hang glider pilot ranking for the 2005 US National team.

2004 USHGA flex wing pilot ranking
The NTSS flex wing glider pilot ranking for the 2004 US National team.

2004 USHGA rigid hang glider pilot ranking
The NTSS rigid wing hang glider pilot ranking for the 2004 US National team.

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